Troubleshooting Peak 6 (Pro and LE)
If you are having trouble with Peak 6 (Pro or LE), make sure you have the latest update for your version of Peak installed. You can download the latest updates for Peak and other BIAS software here:
The next step to troubleshooting a problem in Peak is to delete your Peak preference files.
To access the Peak preference files go to the following directory:
You should trash any preference files labeled "Peak Preferences", "Peak Shortcuts", "ACA P6 Preferences" and/or "ACA P5 Preferences".
While Peak 6 allows you to import your Peak 5.2 Preferences, if you are having trouble with Peak, it is a good idea to remove any Peak Preferences and start from a default Preference set.
Once you have deleted your Peak Preferences, you should empty the Trash on your Mac and restart the computer. When your computer has restarted, launch Peak 6, when you are asked to import your Peak 5.2 Preferences, choose No.
If you are using multiple hard drives with your editing system, you may want to change the Scratch Disk preferences. Click here to view the instructions.
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