How do I save as MP3 with Peak 5
To enable MP3 export from Peak 5, you will need to install the "LameLib" MP3 encoder.
Please follow these steps to install the downloadable MP3 encoder:
- Click here to download the MP3 Encoder for Peak 5
- When this file is done downloading, it should un-Zip itself and become "LameLib.Bundle".
- Use the Finder to locate the Peak application. Click on the Peak application icon once to highlight it.
- In the Finder, go to File > Get Info (CMD-I). A window will open information about the application
- Click on the disclosure triangle next to "Plug-Ins". This will display plug-ins that are used by the application.
Click the "Add..." button. You will be asked to find the LameLib.bundle. Navigate to the LameLib.bundle and click "Choose". Do not choose the Contents or any item inside the LameLib.bundle, select only the LameLib.bundle (it might appear as a folder) and click "Choose".
* Please note you may need to close the "Plug-Ins" viewer and reopen for the LameLib.bundle to appear in the list.
- MP3 will now show up as an available file format under the Save As dialog.
* Please note 24 bit files must first be converted to 16 bit/44.1kHz before encoding to MP3.
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